Koechl House

Sited on the precipice of a rugged and rocky slope in Wilton CT lies the Koechl House, designed by Victor Koechl in 1964.

This distinctively modern retirement home lovingly built for his parents’ golden years, embraced living with nature with a strong connection to its woodland setting. Organized so the primary living areas are spread out on one level, it afforded them comfort and convenience within the environment they loved.

Victor’s daughter, the third-generation caretaker of the house, sought to preserve and renovate after some years of deferred maintenance. We worked with her to identify building systems and materials that preserved the aesthetic while bringing the house into the present. One of the essential duties of this effort was the meticulous conservation of the Redwood exterior. This now rare resource was thoughtfully resurfaced and protected and occasionally blended with some locally reclaimed Redwood material. A new conservatory space and translucent canopy at the entry complete the renewal of this cherished family home.

“I am the steward of this house. My family lives on in this house. I feel embraced by my family in this house.”

“Architects look to put their stamp on a project. It was my honor to bring my family home into the present and preserve it. As a collaborator REO helped me find a balanced, best version of itself. Through process and iteration, we settled on what feels authentic.”

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